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The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has adopted the Wisconsin Resilience Improvement Plan (WRIP). It provides the framework within which the state and related stakeholders may maintain, improve, and plan for surface transportation resilience building. The plan describes the immediate and long-range resiliency building planning activities and investments of the State. It also demonstrates a systemic approach across modes, geographic regions, and critical interdependent sectors, which supports the policy framework within which the state and related stakeholders may maintain and improve Wisconsin’s surface transportation resilience. The plan includes a risk-based assessment of vulnerabilities to weather and natural disasters, as dictated by the Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program. Adoption of the Wisconsin Resilience Improvement Plan supports the vision for the state’s multimodal transportation network identified in the statewide long-range transportation plan, Connect 2050:
Inquiries about the WRIP and written comments should be directed to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Division of Transportation Investment Management, Bureau of Planning and Economic Development, P.O. Box 7913, Madison, WI 53707-7913; comments by phone at 608-266-8806 or comments by email at